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Spirit of Unity and Harmony The Catholic University of Korea Songsin Theological Campus

Seminarian Lifestyle

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Student Council

  Seminarians who reside at the seminary govern themselves through the Student Council. It assists the priests in the building of the seminary community life. Activities and decisions of the Student Council are made in consultation with the priests chosen to advise it. The Student Council permits the seminarians to be responsible for their on lives through a self-governing process. 
The student Council is made up of the President and other Officers who are appointed. Each class in the seminary likewise has its own class Officers and the head of each class meets regularly with the Student Council President and Officers.

In this way all seminarian voices may be heard and all participate 
in the community process. Each class also has its own priest director, who meets frequently with the class Officers and at times with the whole classes

Reconciliation for student

 In accordance with the Canon Law regarding the formation of candidates for the priesthood, frequent participation in the Sacrament of Reconciliation is encouraged and made available (Canon 249,Canon 246). Seminarians are expected to participate in that Sacrament every 2 weeks. The schedule is posted along with the names of the confessors daily and in emergency situations 
confessors can be contacted at any time


Spiritual Direction

In accordance with Canon 246 a seminary requires seminarians to avail themselves of Spiritual Direction. Individual meetings are regularly arranged with their spiritual directors and small groups of students can meet with their spiritual directors on request. As well, spiritual talks are given weekly on Thursdays after evening Prayer and Reflection to 1st and 2nd theologians. 3rd and 4th theologians meet separately with the Spiritual Director for private lectures weekly. Every Saturday, after evenig Prayer and Reflection, the Rector holds a chapter with his students and addresses them on some aspect of their priestly formation.

Retreats are given twice a year. At the beginning of the first semester the Retreat lasts 3 days, and at the beginning of the 2nd semester the Retreat lasts 1 day. The theologians choose their Spiritual Directors and usually they make their confessions to them and take spiritual counseling with them. But, just in case, theologians can go to other priests for confession and counseling. 
Priests are assigned to each class to guide their seminary life and they meet students personally or the whole members of the dormitory a few times during the semester